
The chemo treatment Mel had on Friday started to make him sick yesterday 🙁 He was throwing up all morning so we called the vet and got him on some anti-nasea meds. He ate dinner (his favorite hamburger and rice!) and kept it all down and is looking better this morning. Hopefully we won’t have any more issues but if we do at least I have the meds on hand this time. I took him to a fundraiser for Love-A-Stray and he perked right up with all the extra attention and pets he got! I’ll add the pictures to this post as soon as i get them!

5 thoughts on “Chemo”

  1. Did your doctor give you anything for Mel’s nausea? Ours gave us some as a precaution (we started it right after the chemo so he never got a chance to get nausea). If you don’t have any, ask your vet about it…works like a charm!

    <3 Laura and Jackaroni

  2. Hey Mel, I’m glad you’re feeling better. That is SUCH a bummer you got sick. But keep telling yourself, it’s a short term thing. And for you, I know you’ll be back to normal in no time!

  3. Hi Mel’s mom,
    Mackenzie also got nausea and she took an anti-nausea pill called Ondansetron (1 1/2 pills 2x a day.) They injected this before she started the chemo as a preventive and then she took the pills. She was also given Cerenia on top of the Ondansetron as she had nausea worse than normal. But I was told that Cerenia is still an experimental anti-nausea and you should give 2 pills at the same time 1x /day and only give up to 5 days. If you have to continue it you need to take a break for a day before giving it again. Just thought I’d pass along what we did since Mackenzie seems to be the queen of nausea. They even lowered her chemo dosage because of this. Sounds like Mel is doing really well though since taking the anti-nausea so that’s always great to hear. Go Mel – you have our vote!

  4. Mel sorry you didn’t feel very good. That just makes cancer and chemo more yucky and cruel. Hang in there!

    We hope everyone votes for you!!!!



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