Day 2

Today has been a little rough. Mel didn’t want anything to do with food or water this morning. I took him out to pee and he was getting around just fine but I could tell he was getting REALLY frustrated that he couldn’t lift his leg. We came inside after about 15 minutes because i didn’t want him to overdo it. I will try again in a few hours. I’m going to head to the store to get some pedialyte and some hamburger and rice. Hopefully this evening he will be up for eating some dinner.

11 thoughts on “Day 2”

  1. Hang in there, Mel!

    Both Gerry and Yoda (my tripawd before Gerry) usually perked up for hamburger and rice or chicken and rice, when their appetites declined. I know it’s hard to see him struggle, but sounds like he’s still well in the normal range for recovery : )

  2. Hi Mel.
    Make sure his pain his under control-if they are in pain, they won’t eat.
    The first couple weeks are always the hardest as they try to re-learn all the things they used to do. The AMAZING thing is that it only takes a couple weeks! how long would it take you or me as humans to re-learn all those tricks?
    The most precious thing is the look on their face the minute they’ve found a way to do what they used to do on 4 legs. They give you a look like “oh yeah! I’m the best!” Keep your eyes out, you’ll see.
    And like Cherry’s dad says…keep a journal so you can track the little progresses. This will help you through the first couple weeks.
    Looking forward to more pictures and posts.

  3. My mom couldn’t believe it the day I was able to lift my leg again to pee. It may take a little longer for a rear amp, but I’ll bet you do it Mel. I have a little cousin that lifts both his back legs to pee…showoff. hang in there. Opie

  4. Ground beef and rice worked pretty well for Holly when she lost her appetite. When that stopped working I was able to feed her small amounts of canned food at a time – feeding her by hand was the best bet that she would eat it, and she didn’t demand I keep doing that after she started feeling better (thank goodness!). Plain yogurt in a little dish was another thing she would eat. I also tried giving her just a little bowl of chicken broth (low sodium – not sure if that matters, it’s just what we had on hand), which she usually would drink when offered it. For Holly it seemed to help to offer her small amounts of food more frequently instead of a full meal twice a day. It felt like forever before she was eating normally again, but it really only took a few days. We think the antibiotic was upsetting her tummy, and a few people here mentioned pepcid ac – you might want to ask your vet about that.
    We’ll keep fingers and paws crossed that Mel starts eating again soon, and that he masters peeing on 3 legs soon. He will amaze you as he figures all this stuff out!
    Holly and Holly’s mom

  5. Maggie was really frustrated that she couldn’t keep her balance when she was trying to poop. She would fall, then just sit there and stare at me and look pitiful. But she got the hang of it. Peeing was OK for her since she always had peed like a girl- but it did take a little while to get the foot position just right.
    You might have to keep trying his favorite treat foods to get him to eat. It is OK to spoil him for awhile, his body needs fuel while he heels.

    Hang in there- it will get better.

    Karen and the pug girls

  6. he was a sucker for pizza crust this evening and he even drank some water as soon as he knew i wasn’t looking. We are going to go out again now and see if he will pee. I’m convinced its the fentanyl patch thats giving him issues. He will be fine. patch comes of tomorrow or tuesday and we will be visiting the vet tomorrow if he isn’t feeling a bit better.

  7. Yea pee!!!

    If you think you are excited now wait until he poops for the first time!!!!!!

    Many dogs don’t for several days- so don’t get too worried, but we all wait expectantly for that post!!!!

    Karen and the pug girls

  8. Feel better Mel! Things get better! You will have some rough days, hang in there, you will learn the good days make it worth it! We are thinking about you!

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