Day 11

Yesterday Mel’s breath started smelling AWFUL. Having been a vet tech for 3 years, i know that can be an indication of renal issues. He went into the vet today and had a full blood panel drawn. Results were all normal Thank God. The vet kept him for the day since I was at work. They also drained the remaining fluid from his seroma and put in a drain. This pushes back his stitch removal till Saturday but he is healing up nicely. They also sent in another buffy coat profile to make sure the cancer hasn’t spread too far before we start chemo. If all goes as planned he should be starting his first round of CCNU starting next week.

5 thoughts on “Day 11”

  1. Great news that Mel’s results came back normal and that he’s healing nicely. That must have been quite the scare! Good luck with the chemo next week and hope that his tests all go well so he can start his first round. Such a sweet boy! I can see why you love him so much!

  2. Maybe something he ate?? Maybe he needs to add flossing after he brushes!!
    Glad the tests were all normal.


  3. My mom said my breath got stinky the day after I had chemo each time. I don’t know if she imagined it or what. I think my breath smells like roses…any of you other tripawds on chemo have stink breath?

  4. We’re so glad the stinky breath wasn’t anything serious! I’m not sure if I’ll be able to tell whether Holly’s stinky breath is a result of chemo or not – she doesn’t normally have the sweetest breath on the block. And that poultry flavored toothpaste doesn’t always help! (but I’ll still take her kisses anyday) I’ll try to remember to pay attention after next week’s chemo.
    Keeping paws crossed that all goes well and chemo can begin next week for you, Mel!
    Holly and Holly’s mom

  5. Glad the blood tests came back normal. Good luck with your chemo next week! Hopefully you won’t have any side affects!! Tell your Mom to love up on you Mel you deserve it!

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