Mel’s Story

Mel is my 5 year old rescued Pit Bull Terrier. This is the sweetest dog you will ever meet and he has been through so much. He was found chained outside a movie theatre with a collar imbedded in his neck when he was around 10 months old. The rescue I volunteer for took him in, fixed up his wounds and put him up for adoption. He was in our shelter for about 5 months when he FINALLY got adopted. The people returned him a week later, a dog was just too much for them to handle. After another 4 months at the shelter I took him home to “foster” him but of course he never left. He has been my loyal companion and best friend ever since. After going through a major abdominal surgery a few years ago he was just diagnosed 2 days ago with a Grade III Mast Cell tumor on his left rear leg. After blood work determined that the cancer cells have not spread to his blood , our only choice is to amputate his leg. I know he will do fine, he is otherwise healthy and he is in good shape, but I feel so bad that he has to go through this. I am going to continue to update this as i find out more. Surgery is tentatively scheduled for a week from tomorrow. Please keep him in your prayers.

10 thoughts on “Mel’s Story”

  1. Thanks for joining, and bless you for taking such good care of Mel! We’re sorry to hear about his diagnosis, but glad you found us. He should do well, best wishes for a complete speedy recovery!

  2. AWWWWWW!!!!! What a little smiler you have there! I hope the surgery goes well, and I’m sure once you see him after the amputation, that smile will take away any reservations (if any) you may have had. Best of luck, Mel!!

    <3 Laura and Jackers

  3. Aw, Mel. So glad you found your forever home and that your human found this group! Folks here are real good helping to keep worried pawrents calm, pawsitive, and informed, so that you can concentrate your recovery rather than on your human(s). More thoughts and prayers are coming your way, buddy.

  4. Hey Mel, welcome to tripawds.

    My pug Maggie also has mast cell cancer and is also a left rear amp. You can read her story here:

    You will find lots of great information and support in the forums. Chances are someone can answer any question you have.
    I would suggest you have the surgeon test the lymph node in the leg that is removed. Mast cell can spread through the lymph system.
    Good luck with the surgery and recovery. The first two weeks can be rough, but will all Mel has already been through he should deal with it just fine.

    Karen and the pug girls

  5. Mel, you sure are a cutie pie! Welcome to Tripawds. You seem like a really cool, strong pup, and we know you’ll do just fine.

    Tell your pawrents that they can get all the help they need here. Sure, there are some things that will make you guys worry like crazy, but it won’t be forever. You’ll be back in the dog park in no time!

    Keep us posted OK?

  6. Welcome to Tripawds Mel!!! So happy to hear that you found a wonderful forever home with your new family. Sorry about the cancer diagnosis, but you should do fine after the amputation… and you will be even more spoiled, if that’s even possible! 🙂

    Keep us posted… Love the pictures!!!

    Angel Jake’s Mom

  7. Mel you are such a cutie! You do have such a story, but it sounds like you have found a wonderful home! After all you have been through you won’t have any problems with an amputation! You will adjust fine! We wish you tons of luck and will be thinking of you. Please keep us posted and we will be praying for you!

    Goldens licks and hugs!


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